
One-armed presenter is scaring children, parents tell BBC

By Liz Thomas
Last updated at 4:05 PM on 23rd February 2009

A disabled CBeebies presenter has been the victim of a disturbing campaign after parents complained that she was scaring toddlers.

They claimed that host Cerrie Burnell  -  who was born with one arm  -  is not suitable to appear on the digital children's channel.

Miss Burnell and co-presenter Alex Winters took over the popular Do and Discover slot and The Bedtime Hour programme last month.

Controversial: Cerrie Burnell was born with one arm

But the decision to hire her has prompted a flurry of complaints to the BBC and on parenting message boards, with some of the posts on the CBeebies website becoming so vicious that they had to be removed.

Incredibly, one father said he wanted to ban his daughter from watching the channel because he feared it would give her nightmares.

Others claimed that they were forced to discuss difficult issues with their young children before they were ready.

One blogger wrote: 'Is it just me, or does anyone else think the new woman presenter on CBeebies may scare the kids because of her disability?


'I didn't want to let my children watch the filler bits on The Bedtime Hour last night because I know it would have played on my eldest daughter's mind and possibly caused sleep problems. And yes, this is a serious post.'

Some even accused the BBC of hiring Miss Burnell, 29, because of 'political correctness' and solely to meet employment quotas.

One notice board comment read: 'What is scary is the BBC's determination to show " minorities" on CBeebies at every available opportunity!

英獨臂主持人 家長有意見



英國每日郵報報導,29歲的新手媽媽凱莉‧柏奈爾(Cerrie Burnell )上月起和搭檔亞歷‧溫特斯(Alex Winters)聯手主持BBC兒童台CBeebies十分叫座的節目「就寢時刻」,但許多家長對她獨臂很有意見,甚至有9人提出正式申訴。




【2009/02/24 聯合報】


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